Free Interactive Math Walk in Downtown Northampton
Free Interactive Math Walk in Downtown Northampton (MA) in Support of #NiceTuesdaysNorthampton
Free Family Fun!
Come nerd out with us.
When: April 13th, 2021
Where: Downtown Northampton, Massachusetts (we’ll have a table set up to get you started at Spot #1 on the map, located in front of CLINIC Alternative Medicine)
Time: 9:30 am – 7:00 pm
Items Needed: Your map (click here!), walking shoes, and an open mind
On April 13 there will be a free, 26 spot interactive math walk that’s great for the whole family (or anyone who loves math!). And it will be under your feet—with sidewalk math throughout downtown Northampton! There will be math problems, math jokes, math games, and lots of nerdy fun. And participants will receive a gift certificate for Joe’s Pizza and a set of “which one doesn’t belong” cookies (while supplies last).

Will you repeat this event?
Hi! We are always happy to consult with other groups to support family fun and public math! We hope to offer this event again next year. It was SO MUCH FUN to see all those mathematicians!