Rita retired in 2022 after teaching in New Hampshire for ten years and at the Williamsburg, MA schools for 25 years.
The majority of her career was spent teaching in the primary grades, however, she has taught in grades K-8 at various
points in her career. While teaching in Williamsburg, Rita was awarded the Grinspoon Award for Excellence in
Teaching, and mentored several student teachers. In the two years since retirement, she has served as a long-term
substitute in two positions and a part-time math interventionist position for grades K-6. She loves retirement,
but has found that she misses teaching! As a teacher, Rita seeks to create meaningful connections with each student
and family. She strives to make each lesson engaging and meet the personal needs of each student. When not
teaching, Rita loves to play pickleball, hike, garden, read, and play with two rambunctious grandsons.

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